Chief Editor: Chris Brogan

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SCEB Bulgaria Opening Ceremony – Sofia-18.06.2019

In our opening ceremony and press conference, we will be honoured by: – Her Excellency Mrs Liliya Ivanova- Deputy Minister of Economy – Mr. Ivaylo Marinov – Commercial & Economic Attache of Bulgarian Embassy to Romania – Mr. Galabin Galabov – Executive Director of Lev Ins Insurance company. – Mr. Victor Costea – General Manager…

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Business Meeting

#14 Business Meeting

The Business Network Meeting, #14 Edition theme was the ”Manager vs. Leader” paradigm discussed with Radu Cosarca – media leader and business administrator with over twenty years of professional background. One of the event key conclusion was that we all need leaders in our professional and personal lives. We had the honour of having Former…

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Business MeetingInternational

UK-Romania Trade & Investment

Our chairman, Mehmet Sumeroglu, shared his vision regarding the challenges involved and the questions you need to consider if you are interested in trade and international business opportunities. We thank the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) for the invitation. We were delighted to debate with professional from BCR, KPMG România and Marks & Spencer.…

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Business Meeting

#13 Business Meeting

A bunch of thanks to our members and guest who attended to our #13 Business Meeting. Special thanks to our guest speaker for the Business Network Meeting, #13th Edition was Simona Titica – Sales Expert. She is an experienced executive and sales professional, with 15 years of commercial and marketing background in Automotive & Financial…

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Business Meeting

#12 Business Meeting

Another successful Business Meeting was hold on 20.03.2019 organized by us. In this meeting Ms. Oana Motoi, Founder and Managing Partner of Cromwell Evan Global, was our Key-speaker and she informed our members and guests about how to internationalize our business and what are the important points to be careful about. The advantages and the…

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Business Meeting

New Event – Internationalizare Afacerilor – 20.03.2019

Multe companii din România au avut acces limitat la noi piețe internaționale, ceea ce a implicat o dezvoltare axată pe strategia pașilor mici. În ultimii ani, se conturează numeroase povești de succes în jurul antreprenorilor români care și-au lansat companiile la nivel internațional și pe care le dezvoltă pe baza unei strategii sustenabile. Cât de…

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Designation of President of SCEB Bulgaria

By an official ceremony at the SCEB Headquarter in Bucharest Romania, Mr. Nikolay Bozhilov has been designated as the President of Bulgarian National Council of SCEB ( President of SCEB Bulgaria ). In this ceremony we have been honored by presence of Mr. Ivaylo Marinov, Commercial & Economic Attache of Bulgarian Embassy to Romania and…

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Business Meeting

#11 Business Meeting

More than 60 distinguished guests and members from aroun 50 companies from Romania, Bulgaria and USA was in our meeting about the human resources problems in Europe. Special thanks to our high value speakers Ms. Bianca Filote, Communication Director of International Work Finder, Mr. Sotiris Karagiozidis, Director of Kilpatrick International for Romania, Bulgaria, Greece an…

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Business Meeting

New Event – Criza Fortei de Munca

Dinamica pieței muncii relevă faptul că în România există o pondere relativ ridicată a lucrătorilor necalificați din totalul angajaților (5, 2 milioane), dintre care cei mai mulți în județele Bistrița-Năsăud, Bihor și Maramureș. Cel de-al doilea sector de activitate care a înregistrat o dinamică accentuată la nivel național este cel al restaurantelor, după care urmează…

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Business Meeting

#10 Business Meeting

We are beyond elated that we got to meet everyone in another successful event with our distinguished members and highly reputed companies that joined us. Thanks a lot to Mr. Sebastian Dragomir, Director of the Colliers International. Tessmer n, könig s, diplomarbeit schreiben lassen malkus u, reichelt r, pötter m, steinbüchel a.

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Business Meeting

Real Estate market in 2019

Proffesional opinions about the Real Estate market in 2019 by Colliers International. Thanks to Mr. Sebastian Dragomir who will honour our event with his presence. Even this limited study failed to investigate the systemic impact of scaling up resume writing services small schools.

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Business Meeting

New Event – Piata Imobiliara in 2019

Distinsi oameni de afaceri si antreprenori, va asteptam la a 10a editie de Business Network Meeting intr-un cadru de elita al oamenilor de afaceri si antreprenori de succes. Pentru participare si confirmare de prezenta va rugam accesati : Theoretische grundlage dieser arbeit bildet die psychoanalytische selbstpsychologie erweitert durch die motivationssysteme nach lichtenberg et…

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Business Meeting

#9 Business Meeting

We would like to thank everyone for being present and actively participating to a successful evening joined by over 30 prestigious companies. It is our exceptional honour to have hosted this edition of the Members Network Meeting alongside Mr. Ivaylo Marinov, the Trade and Economic Attache of the Bulgarian Embassy in Romania, and our distinguished…

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Business Meeting

Business Meeting 24.05.2018

We are beyond elated that we got to meet everyone in another successful event with our distinguished members and highly reputed companies that joined us. Thanks a lot to Mr. Doru Dragomir, President of the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry Romania-Bulgaria and to His Excellency Mr. Minister Sorin Chelmu, former General Secretary of the…

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